In the last few chapters it told us about what had happened before Camp Lake Green was started. It says 100 years ago the lake was a beautiful lake with peach trees all around. Close by was a village and in the village lived a person called Katharine Barlow who was the town’s only teacher. In the small town in the day she taught children and in the evening she taught adults who hadn't been to school. In the night class there was a person by the name of Charles Walker but everyone called him Trout Walker. There was a doctor in the called Dr. Hawthorn and whenever people got sick they visited him and then they went to the onion seller who also sold medicine made from onions. No one not even the doctor knew which one cured the patient. The onion sellers name was Sam and Sam had a secret onion patch on the other side of the lake which once or twice a week he would row to his patch and there he would fill his onion cart.    

By David 

By Lara 

1. Why do you think X-Ray said the white boy sits around while the black boy does all the work?
2. Why do you think Stanley was afraid to drink the water Mr. Sir gave him?
3. Why do you think Kate Barlow was happy that the lizard bit her?
4. What do you think about Zero digging a bit of Stanley's hole?
5. Why do you think Stanley took the blame for the sunflower seeds? 

By Marie-Louise

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    My name is David I am 11 years old and live in South Africa. 


    August 2013

